- 桃園教師會會務系統 ( http://61-219-67-210.hinet-ip.hinet.net/Default.asp ) -- 福利快訊 ( http://61-219-67-210.hinet-ip.hinet.net/ShowForum.asp?forumid=308 ) --- 南方餐廳【御茶膳】飄香新上市 tea celebration at south restaura ( http://61-219-67-210.hinet-ip.hinet.net/fbbsxp/ShowPost.asp?id=10625 )
作者︰sjr051666-b 當全祥茶莊甕藏的厚韻與甘香 遇上蔣爸獨樹一幟的創意與手藝 南方莊園渡假飯店的中餐廳,一直引以自豪堪稱地道的江浙佳餚, 「南方 御茶膳」以茶香入菜,讓膳食多了些茶葉的清韻, Tea not only for drink also can eat with fine food. It can become delicious dishes try the tea celebration with a lot of surprise.For more information or to make a reservation, please contact reservation centre at 03-420-3833.